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Latino Leaders Speak

Co-edited by Mickey Ibarra

"Our stories are powerful and need to be told. It is my hope that all readers will be inspired to dream big, get prepared and get ready to lead!"


- Mickey Ibarra, Co-editor 


Latino Leaders Speak: Personal Stories of Struggle and Triumph, recently published by Arte Publico Press at the University of Houston, includes 33 keynote addresses delivered at the Latino Leaders Luncheon Series since 2004. As this book makes very clear, the Latino community has role models, heroes and outstanding leaders. We have so much to celebrate and learn from each other. Readers will be inspired to dream big, get prepared and get ready to lead! A Book Sponsorship is offered at all 2019 events.

About the Editor

Mickey Ibarra is founder and chairman of the Latino Leaders Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to "Bringing Leaders Together” to establish relationships, build unity, and share personal stories.  He is a member of the Ibarra Foundation Board of Directors and completed six years of service on the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund Board.


Appointed Assistant to the President and Director of Intergovernmental Affairs at the White House in 1997, Mr. Ibarra served as a member of the President's senior staff. His role was to build support for the President's policy initiatives and to coordinate outreach to state and local leaders on a broad range of issues. He was appointed vice chair of The White House Task Force for the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympic Games and was named an honorary mayor for the Para-Olympic Games. Additionally, he co-chaired the White House Task Force on Drug Use in Sports. He began his professional career in Utah as a teacher of at-risk high school students before joining the National Education Association political affairs staff in Washington, DC.


The Latino Spirit Award for Achievement in Public Service was presented to Mr. Ibarra by the California Latino Legislative Caucus in 2016 and the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Community Champion Award in 2014. Additionally, he received the inaugural Mickey Ibarra Medallion for Excellence in Government Relations from the U.S. Hispanic Leadership Institute in 2012. He is a graduate of Brigham Young University and the University of Utah, with a Master’s degree and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters in 2007.


Mr. Ibarra is an acclaimed author, publishing his first book in 2015 titled Mickeyisms: 30 Tips for Success. His new book published in 2017 by Arte Publico Press, Latino Leaders Speak: Personal Stories of Struggle and Triumph, features 33 keynote addresses delivered at the Latino Leaders Luncheon Series since 2004. 

Product Details

Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Arte Publico Pr (May 31, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1558858431
ISBN-13: 978-1558858435
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 1 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Many times our stories are not told, or told through a stereotypical lens. Many of the contributors are well known in the Latino community, but their personal stories are not...these Latino leaders' stories will help inspire the community to realize that it is possible to achieve one's dreams and goals despite obstacles."

Patricia Guadalupe

Contributing Writer, NBC Latino and Washington Editor, Latino Magazine

I am reading and re-reading your new book, “Latino Leaders Speak.” Parts of some stories made me cry, some made me laugh, but all are wonderful, moving stories. What a tribute this publication presents of personal journeys. You’ve done a fantastic job! Congratulations on this new venture; and thanks for letting me know about it."

Estelle Greenfield

National Education Association Staff (Retired)

It is my hope that this book will inspire all readers to dream big, get prepared and get ready to lead."

Mickey Ibarra

Very few people understand the power of a personal story better than Mickey Ibarra. It's the power to engage, inspire and transform both the storyteller and listener by inviting them to take a shared journey, from the launch of the quest, through the times of adversity, to a place where they can serve as leaders in their community. More than that, story can help people come together by making them more human and more relatable across political, ethnic and gender divides."

Giovanni Rodriguez

Forbes Contributor and founder of The Silicon Valley Story Lab

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